
Experience: Peter was a founder member of Harrow Academy UK and is now the Director of Studies. After a long career in telecommunications, he began his EFL career in Paris, France, where he worked for 2 years. In 2001, he returned to London and worked for Harrow International Academy and Harrow College before helping to start HAUK in 2005.

Hometown: Liverpool, often said (by Peter!) to be the greatest city in the world!

Hobbies: Peter likes travelling.  He has visited around 30 different countries around the world so far and loves experiencing their food and music.  He is also a sports enthusiast and, although he watches more than he plays now, enjoys a few games of tennis and some yoga when he can.

Interesting fact: At midnight on 31 December 1999, Peter saw the beginning of the new millennium from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

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